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Colin Freeman's Romsey statistics

(last updated: Wednesday, August 14, 2024)


All-round record

years mat runs bat avge HS ct st dis wkts best avge econ points points/mt
1986-1992 41 358 10.23 71  8 0 8 29 4/68 20.07 3.89 1018 24.83
1986 9 58 6.44 37  1 0 1 1 1/20 51.00 4.78 88 9.78
1987 2 21 21.00 21  0 0 0 5 3/75 16.60 4.88 121 60.50
1988 4 116 29.00 71  0 0 0 3 2/30 23.00 3.14 176 44.00
1989 5 45 9.00 14  2 0 2 3 2/12 14.67 2.93 125 25.00
1990 9 48 8.00 12* 1 0 1 3 1/12 39.33 4.66 118 13.11
1991 9 58 7.25 21  4 0 4 9 3/24 15.67 3.23 278 30.89
1992 3 12 6.00 0 0 0 5 4/68 15.20 4.75 112 37.33

Most points in a match

(Minimum of 50 points)

score ct st figures points team opposition venue date report
0 0 4/68 88 Romsey Town Fenstanton Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1992
21  0 0 3/75 81 Romsey Town Whittlesford Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1987 report
71  0 0 - 71 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Friday, September 9, 1988 report
1 0 3/24 70 Romsey Town Wilburton II Trumpington Saturday, July 27, 1991
12  1 0 2/12 62 Romsey Town Clowne Clowne Sunday, August 27, 1989 report
14  0 0 2/19 54 Romsey Town John Player's XI? Clumber Park Sunday, August 25, 1991
21  1 0 1/21 51 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Sunday, May 12, 1991

Batting record

years mat inn NO runs bat avge 0s 50s 100s HS
1986-1992 41 37 2 358 10.23 9 1 0 71 
1986 9 9 0 58 6.44 6 0 0 37 
1987 2 1 0 21 21.00 0 0 0 21 
1988 4 4 0 116 29.00 0 1 0 71 
1989 5 5 0 45 9.00 1 0 0 14 
1990 9 8 2 48 8.00 1 0 0 12*
1991 9 8 0 58 7.25 1 0 0 21 
1992 3 2 0 12 6.00 0 0 0

Highest scores

(minimum of 30 runs)

score balls SR team opposition venue date report
71  - - Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Friday, September 9, 1988 report
37  - - Romsey Town Barrington Trumpington Thursday, May 29, 1986 report

Fastest innings

(minimum of 20 runs scored and a strike-rate of 80.00)

score balls SR team opposition venue date report

Slowest innings

(minimum of 20 balls faced scored and a strike-rate of less than 50.00)

score balls SR team opposition venue date report

Bowling record

years mat balls maidens runs wkts best avge econ strike-rate 3s 4s 5+s
1986-1992 41 898 18 582 29 4/68 20.07 3.89 30.97 2 1 0
1986 9 64 0 51 1 1/20 51.00 4.78 64.00 0 0 0
1987 2 102 2 83 5 3/75 16.60 4.88 20.40 1 0 0
1988 4 132 4 69 3 2/30 23.00 3.14 44.00 0 0 0
1989 5 90 4 44 3 2/12 14.67 2.93 30.00 0 0 0
1990 9 152 1 118 3 1/12 39.33 4.66 50.67 0 0 0
1991 9 262 5 141 9 3/24 15.67 3.23 29.11 1 0 0
1992 3 96 2 76 5 4/68 15.20 4.75 19.20 0 1 0

Best bowling

(minimum of 2 wickets taken)

balls overs maidens figures econ team opposition venue date report
60 10x6 0 4/68 6.80 Romsey Town Fenstanton Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1992
30 5x6 0 3/24 4.80 Romsey Town Wilburton II Trumpington Saturday, July 27, 1991
84 14x6 2 3/75 5.36 Romsey Town Whittlesford Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1987 report
18 3x6 0 2/8 2.67 Romsey Town FLC Downing College Sunday, May 17, 1987 report
48 8x6 4 2/12 1.50 Romsey Town Clowne Clowne Sunday, August 27, 1989 report
48 8x6 1 2/19 2.38 Romsey Town John Player's XI? Clumber Park Sunday, August 25, 1991
60 10x6 3 2/30 3.00 Romsey Town Alconbury Little Bromsgrove Saturday, September 10, 1988 report

Most economical bowling

(minimum of 20 balls bowled and an economy-rate of less than 3.00)

balls overs maidens figures econ team opposition venue date report
36 6x6 2 1/8 1.33 Romsey Town Wilburton Trumpington Sunday, May 17, 1992
48 8x6 4 2/12 1.50 Romsey Town Clowne Clowne Sunday, August 27, 1989 report
24 4x6 1 1/7 1.75 Romsey Town Bar Hill Bar Hill Sunday, April 28, 1991
48 8x6 1 2/19 2.38 Romsey Town John Player's XI? Clumber Park Sunday, August 25, 1991
30 5x6 1 1/12 2.40 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Saturday, September 1, 1990 report
30 5x6 1 0/14 2.80 Romsey Town Wilburton II Wilburton Sunday, September 1, 1991

Least economical bowling

(minimum of 20 balls bowled and an economy-rate of more than 6.00)

balls overs maidens figures econ team opposition venue date report
60 10x6 0 4/68 6.80 Romsey Town Fenstanton Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1992

Fielding record

years mat ct st dis dis/mt 2s 3s 4+s
1986-1992 41 8 0 8 0.20 0 0 0
1986 9 1 0 1 0.11 0 0 0
1987 2 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0
1988 4 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0
1989 5 2 0 2 0.40 0 0 0
1990 9 1 0 1 0.11 0 0 0
1991 9 4 0 4 0.44 0 0 0
1992 3 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0

Most dismissals in a match

(Minimum of 2 dismissals)

ct st dis team opposition venue date report

All performances

score balls SR ct st dis balls overs maidens figures econ team opposition venue date report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Indian Association Fitzwilliam College Thursday, May 22, 1986
37  - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Barrington Trumpington Thursday, May 29, 1986 report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Old Centralians Trumpington Friday, May 30, 1986 report
- - 1 0 1 16 2x8 0 0/8 3.00 Romsey Town Foxton Trumpington Saturday, June 7, 1986 report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Cambridge Granta Great Shelford Thursday, June 12, 1986 report
16  - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Indian Association Trumpington Thursday, June 26, 1986 report
- - 0 0 0 32 4x8 0 0/23 4.31 Romsey Town Barrington II Barrington Thursday, July 3, 1986 report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Old Centralians Parker's Piece Thursday, July 10, 1986 report
- - 0 0 0 16 2x8 0 1/20 7.50 Romsey Town Cambridge Granta Trumpington Thursday, July 17, 1986 report
-   - - 0 0 0 18 3x6 0 2/8 2.67 Romsey Town FLC Downing College Sunday, May 17, 1987 report
21  - - 0 0 0 84 14x6 2 3/75 5.36 Romsey Town Whittlesford Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1987 report
27  - - 0 0 0 48 8x6 1 0/24 3.00 Romsey Town St Regis, Burwell Trumpington Sunday, June 19, 1988 report
15  - - 0 0 0 24 4x6 0 1/15 3.75 Romsey Town Madingley Madingley Sunday, August 21, 1988 report
71  - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Friday, September 9, 1988 report
- - 0 0 0 60 10x6 3 2/30 3.00 Romsey Town Alconbury Little Bromsgrove Saturday, September 10, 1988 report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Cherry Hinton Quy Sunday, July 2, 1989 report
14  - - 1 0 1 18 3x6 0 1/17 5.67 Romsey Town Tally Ho Porson Road Sunday, July 16, 1989 report
- - 0 0 0 24 4x6 0 0/15 3.75 Romsey Town Roundheads Stubbing Lane Saturday, August 26, 1989 report
12  - - 1 0 1 48 8x6 4 2/12 1.50 Romsey Town Clowne Clowne Sunday, August 27, 1989 report
11  - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Sunday, September 10, 1989 report
- - 0 0 0 30 5x6 0 1/24 4.80 Romsey Town Cherry Hinton Quy Sunday, April 29, 1990
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Sunday, May 6, 1990 report
-   - - 1 0 1 8 1x8 0 0/7 5.25 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Monday, May 7, 1990
1* - - 0 0 0 12 2x6 0 0/18 9.00 Romsey Town Remnants Parker's Piece Thursday, June 14, 1990 report
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Newmarket II Trumpington Sunday, June 17, 1990 report
10  - - 0 0 0 30 5x6 0 0/20 4.00 Romsey Town The Cricketers Arms Fitzwilliam College Sunday, July 22, 1990 report
- - 0 0 0 42 7x6 0 1/37 5.29 Romsey Town St Ives The Leys School Sunday, August 12, 1990 report
12* - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town Worksop Rugby Club Clumber Park Sunday, August 26, 1990 report
10  - - 0 0 0 30 5x6 1 1/12 2.40 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Saturday, September 1, 1990 report
- - 0 0 0 24 4x6 1 1/7 1.75 Romsey Town Bar Hill Bar Hill Sunday, April 28, 1991
-   - - 0 0 0 16 2x8 0 0/9 3.38 Romsey Town Remnants Parker's Piece Thursday, May 2, 1991
21  - - 1 0 1 30 5x6 0 1/21 4.20 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Sunday, May 12, 1991
2 0.00 1 0 1 30 5x6 0 3/24 4.80 Romsey Town Wilburton II Trumpington Saturday, July 27, 1991
- - 1 0 1 24 4x6 0 1/15 3.75 Romsey Town The Blue Ball unknown Wednesday, July 31, 1991
- - 1 0 1 36 6x6 1 0/19 3.17 Romsey Town Babraham Babraham Sunday, August 11, 1991
- - 0 0 0 24 4x6 1 1/13 3.25 Romsey Town Worksop Rugby Club Clumber Park Saturday, August 24, 1991 report
14  - - 0 0 0 48 8x6 1 2/19 2.38 Romsey Town John Player's XI? Clumber Park Sunday, August 25, 1991
11  - - 0 0 0 30 5x6 1 0/14 2.80 Romsey Town Wilburton II Wilburton Sunday, September 1, 1991
-   - - 0 0 0 36 6x6 2 1/8 1.33 Romsey Town Wilburton Trumpington Sunday, May 17, 1992
- - 0 0 0 60 10x6 0 4/68 6.80 Romsey Town Fenstanton Trumpington Sunday, May 31, 1992
- - 0 0 0 0 - - - - Romsey Town The Cricketers Arms Fitzwilliam College Sunday, June 21, 1992

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